November 29, 2009

RM 35


an artwork

title: Sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh (1888)
artist: Muhammad Al-Fatih bin Hassan


praise be to Allah.

Ayah kata, mungkin Mamat dapat seni seni ni dari Ayah.


mamat slalu brag about being a
pelukis terkenal..

November 25, 2009



saat tiba di rumah dan naik ke atas, Ummi suruh tengok graffiti mamat.
talking about freedom of speech and creativity of the young.. haih..
this is just shocking!
mamat, agak agak laaa.. aduhai..

with the new hamster that Hafiz gave. best3!
tapi hamster ni takde nama lagi.
mamat kata sekarang hamster ni suka gigit2, dulu tak. tak tahulah kenapa tiba-tiba.

sekian saja laporan dari rumah.
seronok tengok banyak benda baru ada di rumah.

Ayah akan balik hari Sabtu dari konferens di KL and raya di Tanjung Malim. semoga selamat! =)
Izah sedang berperang dengan paper Add Maths. semoga cemerlang! ;)


jadi teringat pada fm
hueh =p

November 17, 2009

pahit manis


tahu esok exam.
tapi nak sebut jugak.
tahu banyak kerja tertangguh
tapi nak khabar jugak.

tentang sabar...
perkataan yang memang menguji.
senang disebut, manis di mulut.
payah diamalkan, pahit ditelan.

tentang kerendahan hati dan ketinggian budi...
sosok peribadi Muslim.
telah terealisasikah?

bila Dia menguji.....
Allah, kuatkanlah.
Allah, runtuhkanlah.

and He said, He won't change you without you changing yourself in the first place.


rasa nak jerit

November 09, 2009

Dear Friends for dearest friends

Dear Friends,

Perhaps from our privileged position, we can share some of the blessings we have enjoyed to help the desperately oppressed people of Palestine.

BBC [1] published a report by Amnesty International (AI) saying Ïsrael is denying Palestinians access to even the basic minimum of clean, safe water."

AI [2] continues to state: "Palestinian daily water consumption barely reaches 70 litres a day per person, well below the World Health Organisation's recommended minimum of 100 liters. Israel consumes four times as much, with 300 litres per day. per capita."

Gaza is being made to undergo a slow and painful death.

Please don't despair, as COMPLETE (Coalition of Malaysian NGOs against the Oppression of Palestinians) [3,4] has, from discussions with George Galloway, Member of Parliament (UK), decided to become the Malaysian branch of the global VIva Palestina (Long Live Palestine) movement [5]. You probably saw news of their vehicle convoys getting into Gaza and it wasn't easy!

And so dear people, here is where we need your help.

There will be another convoy in December [6], leaving the UK for Gaza on 6th December 2009. To arrive in Gaza almost one year on from the day Israelis killed over 1000 Palestinian people, 410 of the children.

COMPLETE, the Malaysian branch of Viva Palestina would like to send a truck containing Medicines to Gaza.

PLEASE HELP!!! Don't underestimate the importance of any help you can give!

Only medical supplies are allowed in and these will be taken on trucks, by road, so the best way for us to be represented would be to purchase a truck filled with medical supplies.

The cost approximately RM50, 000 and what we need to do is to wire the money over and the truck will be purchased in Syria. We will be provided documentary and pictorial evidence of our purchase. We can then display our logos, flags etc to indicate all the sponsors.

Contribute to be made to "Muslim Porfessional Forum Berhad" Maybank AC No: 5-64324-333558. Receipts will be issued to all contributors and as mentioned, we will provide documentary and pictorial evidence of our purchase.

May Allah help us to help the weak and oppressed. Please spread this to ALL the people you know. in an sms yesterday, George said that the deadline to send the money over is 14th Nov. So contributions should come in before that. He said to register anyway, even if we don't make and added, "Best wishes to all VP Malaysia."

So lets give this our best shot. We've got just about a week to put it together.


[2] and report:

Azna Banu
Viva Palestina Malaysia
formerly COMPLETE
016 209 4500
~Beri bantuan kepada saudara kita. Kembalikan maruah Islam...bukan sekadar pada kata-kata~