ku sangkakan mendung
rupanya petir yang mendatang
cukuplah cukup.
aku mahu berlindung di sebuah rumah
yang dikelilingi hutan belantara.
di sana,
ada jiran-jiran membantuku
selimut, nescafe panas, stokin, tilam empuk semua diberinya
bahagia bersama mereka
berkongsi suka duka~
*mode: rindu kawan-kawan smih.
saya nak musafir, makan bersama mereka
jom buat reunion/ iftar ramadhan (?)
barulah rasa tak terasing.
rehlah dan ber-picnic
The Best ^^
June 27, 2012
June 26, 2012
New Dawn for Tomorrow~
On Sunday afternoon, Afaf Youssef, a 43-year-old woman from Gharbiya, sat in a makeshift tent of woolen blankets for rugs and a patchwork of flower-patterned cloths for a roof to block out the sun so radiant it would make many of her comrades swoon from dehydration.
On Sunday afternoon, Afaf Youssef, a 43-year-old woman from Gharbiya, sat in a makeshift tent of woolen blankets for rugs and a patchwork of flower-patterned cloths for a roof to block out the sun so radiant it would make many of her comrades swoon from dehydration.
She and her female friends, all dressed in brightly colored body coverings, sat in a circle and drew themselves in, like a carnivorous plant, listening intently to a single radio on a mobile phone as Farouk Sultan, chairman of the Supreme Constitutional Court, read out the presidential election results.
His speech was waited on with much anticipation; it had been a week since the voting ended, and appeals from both campaigns were being considered. The results were meant to have been announced three days ago, on Thursday, but they were delayed as high-level negotiations took place between the armed forces, keen to preserve the upper hand in ruling the country, and Muslim Brotherhood, the largest opposition movement in Egypt.
It has also been 16 months since Hosni Mubarak stepped down, and the first time in 30 years that a genuinely new figure could emerge as president. Little did Youssef — or the thousands of supporters that took to the square on Sunday — know that it would also be the first time in the republic’s history for a non-military figure and Islamist to assume the presidency.
Sultan’s speech lasted for one and a half hours as he went through voting violations by polling station and governorate. Twitter went wild with comments of “I’m bored” and “Get on with it already.” Youssef joked that Sultan’s admonishment in his speech of those who were critical of the Presidential Election Commission’s work (i.e. the Mohamed Morsy camp) reminded her of Mubarak’s annual Labor Day speeches, which he often used to criticize workers’ strikes. Sultan is a Mubarak-era figure.
The crowd was mostly silent during the speech and only made expressions of victory, roars of joy and raised hands in the air, when violations counted against the opposing candidate, Ahmed Shafiq. For those in the square, a Shafiq win would have sealed the military’s hold on power and meant a return of the old guard. He was Mubarak’s last prime minister.
“I am scared. The revolution will either win or lose today,” a woman standing and praying with tears in her eyes said before she knew the outcome.
Sultan read out the numbers, his speech also audible through loud speakers at the main podium. “12,347,380 for Shafiq ... ,” he started. Before he had the chance to finish, men, women and children erupted in celebration, chanting “God is great.” “...13,280,131 for Morsy.”
Yousef, who was standing at this point, kneeled to the floor and kissed it. She cried, overwhelmed with emotion.
“I feel that God hasn’t let our hard work go to waste. God is kind, thank God,” she said.
As they stood victorious, hugging and kissing each other in congratulation, Youssef and many others said Morsy’s win doesn’t mean they will leave the Brotherhood-initiated sit-in in the Square, because their four demands have yet to be met.
These are: an annulment of the military’s recently approved broad powers of arrest of civilians, canceling the army-issued constitutional amendments that limit the powers of the president, restoring the recently dissolved Islamist-led Parliament, and accepting the current makeup of the Constituent Assembly, the body that will write Egypt’s new constitution.
The sit-in was called for after Parliament was dissolved on 14 June and has brought hundreds to the square from across Egypt’s 27 governorates.
Most are Islamists, but some are there simply because they believe Morsy represents one step forward for the revolution, especially when he was pitted against Shafiq.
“Morsy’s from the revolution, and I want anyone from the revolution to win. If it was Hamdeen [Sabbahi] I would have stood behind him. I’m not from the Brotherhood, but I am with them, I am with the revolution. I’m not leaving the square until we get him all the demands, God willing,” said Sabah Abu Zaid, a social worker at Al-Azhar.
“This is a blessing for all the Arab countries. God will hopefully help all the revolutions succeed,” she added.
Flags representing Syria, Palestine and Egypt — evidence of the sense of pan-Arabism fostered by the revolution — were highly visible in the square. Black flags with the words “There’s no God but Allah” were visible but in the minority.
In the Syrian tent by the square, home to its revolutionaries in exile, a few Egyptians wandered around, looking at pictures of the dead and caricatures of the Syrian president, a dictator yet to fall.
Besides Tahrir Square, the epicenter of the revolution’s ups and downs, celebrations took place in and around and across many quarters of the country.
Many secularists, revolutionaries and people who supported the former regime won’t be happy about the result, as they blame the Brotherhood for being a selfish negotiator since Mubarak’s downfall and willing to tone down its anti-military rhetoric when it has been in its interest to do so.
But for those who support Morsy, Sunday was a very real and hard-won victory. Islamists had spent years in and out of prison under Mubarak; today, their day had come.
“I feel I’ve been born today,” said Mohamed al-Hofy of Beheira, who has been in the square for a week.
A few men could be heard taking a jab at the popular, anti-Islamist television presenter Tawfiq Okasha.
“Morsy, Morsy — be careful, Morsy’s coming for you,” they joked.
All day long, an army helicopter hovered in the sky above the square. It was a reminder of who remains in charge in Egypt and that a much larger battle has yet to be won. But from the ground, it looked like a small bird, alone in a vacuous blue milieu.
Also on the ground, as motorbikes with pictures of the new president honked their way into the square, echoes of “down with military rule” could be heard.
Credits to AlMasry AlYoum
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kata hati
tidak mungkin aku dapat menyelami..
"eh, kau!"
"ye.. kenapa?"
"kau ade kat sini?"
"yelah.. kenapa?. eh,awak apa khabar? saya rindu awak lah!"
"oh,saya sehat alhamdulillah.. oh em begitu........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................."
*hey bersangka baik la~
wahai syaitan. shuh! shuh! pergiii...
tidak mungkin aku dapat menyelami..
"eh, kau!"
"ye.. kenapa?"
"kau ade kat sini?"
"yelah.. kenapa?. eh,awak apa khabar? saya rindu awak lah!"
"oh,saya sehat alhamdulillah.. oh em begitu........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................."
*hey bersangka baik la~
wahai syaitan. shuh! shuh! pergiii...
Posted by
kata hati
June 05, 2012
bangau oh bangau
bangau lambat nak bergerak
Ikan mula bertindak lari dahulu
Bangau yang tidak menajamkan paruhnya..
Ikan yang sudah arif selok-belok penangkapan bangau
Berlari-lari ke sana ke mari
Mulalah bangau kelaparan di tengah-tengah kolam itu
Kawan-kawannya yang lain sudah banyak tangkapan mereka
Menangkap dengan tangkas dan cepat!
Terkapai-kapailah bangau itu
Terpaksa belajar dari bawah kembali..
bangau oh bangau..
cepatlah membesar..
cepatlah membesar..
Posted by
kata hati
June 01, 2012
di malam jumaat yang hening ini.
mahu berkongsi tafsir surah al-lail..
surah yang mengandungi 21 ayat.
di malam jumaat yang hening ini.
mahu berkongsi tafsir surah al-lail..
surah yang mengandungi 21 ayat.
Dengan menyebut nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang
Dengan menyebut nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang
1. Demi malam apabila menutupi (cahaya siang)
2. Dan demi siang apabila terang benderang
3. Dan demi penciptaan laki-laki dan perempuan
4. Sesungguhnya usaha kamu memang berbeza-beza
5. Adapun orang yang memberikan (hartanya pada jalan Allah) dan bertaqwa
6. Serta dia mengakui dengan yakin akan perkara yang baik
7. Maka Kami (Allah) kelak akan menyiapkan baginya jalan yang mudah
8. Dan adapun orang yang bakhil dan merasa dirinya serba cukup
9 Serta mendustakan pahala yang terbaik (syurga)
10. Maka kelak Kami akan menyiapkan baginya (jalan) yang sukar
11. Dan hartanya tidak berguna baginya apabila dia tersungkur
12. Sesungguhnya kewajipan Kamilah memberi petunjuk
13. Dan sesungguhnya kepunyaan Kamilah akhirat itu dan juga dunia
14. Maka Aku ingatkan kamu dengan neraka yang menyala-nyala
15. Tidak ada yang masuk ke dalamnya kecuali orang yang paling celaka
16. Yang mendustakan (kebenaran) dan berpaling (dari iman)
17. Dan kelak akan dijauhkan orang yang paling bertaqwa dari neraka itu
18. Iaitu yang membelanjakan hartanya (pada jalan Allah) untuk membersihkannya
19. Sedang dia tidak menanggung budi sesiapapun, yang patut dibalas
20. Melainkan kerana mencari keredhaan Tuhannya yang Maha Tinggi
21. Dan kelak dia benar-benar mendapat kepuasan
tafsir ayat 1-4
Allah bersumpah dengan malam apabila menutupi alam dengan bala tenteranya. Tiada yang dapat melarikan diri daripadanya. Malam yang menutupi semua perkara dengan kegelapannya menjadikan hidupan menghadapi kematian kecil kerana pergerakkannya terhenti.
Allah bersumpah dengan siang apabila ia menampakkan cahaya terang dan terserlah segala yang tersembunyi dengan terbitnya matahari. Ketika itu semua perkara dapat dilihat. Bermulalah perjalanan kehidupan dan semua makhluk bangun berusaha mencari rezeki setelah lena dalam tidur yang panjang. Maha Suci Engkau wahai Tuhan yang menciptakan malam dan siang silih berganti bagi mereka yang ingin mengingati dan mensyukuri nikmat Tuhannya. Apakah yang akan terjadi jika malam berterusan atau siang yang berpanjangan?
Dia juga bersumpah dengan Tuhan yang menciptakan makhluk berpasang-pasangan lelaki dan perempuan. Sedangkan ia daripada mani yang berpunca daripada air dan tempat yang sama. Namun Allah Taala Yang Maha Agung mengurniakan anak perempuan kepada sesiapa yang Dia kehendaki, mengurniakan anak lelaki kepada sesiapa yang Dia kehendaki, dan mengurniakan anak lelaki dan perempuan kepada sesiapa yang Dia kehendaki, bahkan ada pula yang dijadikan mandul.
Dia bersumpah dengan semua itu, wahai manusia.. usaha kamu semua berbeza-beza. Berbeza dari segi jenis amal yang dilakukan, matlamat dan kesudahan kepada amalan tersebut..
dipetik dari tafsir al-wadhih
# usaha kita berbeza-beza.
kesudahannya juga berbeza-beza
sama ada ke syurga atau ke neraka
adapun jika hartamu digunakan pada jalan Allah
pada jalan kebaikan
maka akan disiapkan jalan yang mudah untukmu
namun jika ia digunakan ke arah kejahilan
yang merasa cukup akan dirinya
tidak lagi memerlukan pertolongan Allah
dan tidak bertaqwa kepada Allah
maka jalan yang sukar akan kau tempuhi
harta tidak lagi dapat menyelamatkanmu
apabila semuanya telah binasa
Allah berkuasa memberi petunjuk dan hidayah
kepada sesiapa yang dikehendakinya
Allah berkuasa juga menghilangkan hidayah
dibiarkan mereka untuk memilih sendiri
telah diberikan akal untuk memilih
Dua jalan.
jalan kebaikan atau jalan kejahatan
diperingatkan kita akan azab neraka
api yang menyala-nyala
masih tidak takutkah kita??
hidup mati kita hanyalah untuk redhaNya
akan peroleh kepuasan yang sebenar-benarnya..
mari tingkatkan diri!
kuatkan iman amal utama :)
kuatkan iman amal utama :)
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kata hati
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